Australian Omoibito | The one I love Sensual
[葛湯] 想い人 (コミックメガストア 2013年5月号) [英訳]
#94570 - René grinned and went down on his knees beside her and placed his lips over her erect nipple and sucked up his own cream and while he took his time to thoroughly lap everything up was she slowly touching and rubbing around her overly sensitive clit enjoying the aftermath of this sexy adventure. Introduction: This is a story I wrote some time ago, it's fantasy but the characters are real, English isn't my native tongue so there could be some errors there. She was in total ecstasy and Pluto took turns mounting her for short periods and then getting down in between, licking his bitch some more before he mounted her again where his aim improved and never missed her waiting hole again.
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